1. What type of soil do mums prefer?
Mums thrive in well-drained soil. If the soil doesn’t drain properly, add compost and mix it into an 8-12 inch depth for best performance. Alternatively, grow mums in raised beds with a well-draining garden soil mix.
2. How much sunlight do mums need?
Mums need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. They thrive in full sunlight but can tolerate partial shade. In particularly warm climates, they may benefit from some indirect sunlight to avoid scorching.
3. When is the best time to plant mums?
The best time to plant mums is in mid- to late-September when the temperatures are cooler. Mums do best in temperatures below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, which helps them bloom longer.
4. How often should I water mums?
Mums should be watered every other day to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Once established, mums need one to two inches of water per week. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to disease.
5. What is the difference between florist mums and garden mums?
Florist mums are intended for floral display and are not hardy enough to survive outdoors. Garden mums are hardy perennials suitable for outdoor planting and can survive year-round in hardiness zones 5-9.
6. How do I deadhead mums?
Regularly deadhead your mums by removing wilted blooms, clearing out brown leaves, and cutting off dead stems. This helps redirect the plant’s energy towards producing new blooms.
7. How can I extend the blooming period of my mums?
To extend the blooming period of your mums, choose plants with more buds than open flowers, give them full sunlight, water them frequently, and regularly deadhead them.
8. What should I do if my mums are not getting enough sunlight?
If your mums are not getting enough sunlight, you may notice smaller blooms and leggy growth. Consider moving them to an area with more sunlight or replant them in pots that can be relocated to sunnier spots.
9. Can I grow mums in containers?
Yes, mums can be grown in containers. Choose pots with good drainage holes, use a premium potting soil mix, and repot them in larger containers if they are root-bound. Potted mums need the same care as those planted in the ground, including adequate sunlight and regular watering.
10. What are the common problems that cause mums’ leaves to turn yellow?
Yellow leaves in mums can be caused by poor drainage, improper watering, root damage, compacted roots, inappropriate soil pH, and lack of needed nutrients. Addressing these issues can help keep your mums healthy and vibrant.